
PAL Enroll
We are thrilled to announce that the Learning Teaching Training Activity (LTTA) for the European project Pal Lab Erasmus + Project, held in Sofia, Bulgaria, was a resounding success! The training sessions took place on the 11th, 12th, and 13th of June, bringing together teachers, educators, and facilitators from five different European countries: Romania, Turkey,...
We are more than proud to share with you our 3rd and last Newsletter of the PAL Enroll project. But we are not done here! Follow us to learn more about our activities for supporting the social inclusion of Romani Communities and other dissadvantaged groups! Learn how you can help with your knowlwdge, actions, and...
Exciting News from Pal Network!   We are thrilled to share that Pal Network had the privilege of participating in the recent transnational meeting of the Pal Enroll project, held in Italy.   At this gathering, our partners engaged in fruitful discussions about the project’s progress and diligently planned the final timeline for the remaining tasks....
We are very excited to share with you the latest version of our “Training for Engagement Mentoring in Education” Handbook of the PAL Enroll project! The Handbook is available in four European languages: English, French, Greek, and Italian. Access the entire material in our webspace below!!! Handbook-ENGDownload
PAL Network is proud of its participation in the recently concluded Transnational Training for the PAL Enroll Project with Cube and women20 . The three-day event was filled with valuable insights and meaningful discussions, with experts from Italy, Belgium, Greece, and around Europe, providing immense depth to the sessions. Our research on early school leaving...
Our 3-day training workshop “A Brain to Pick and an Ear to Listen” has been completed with great success. More than 15 experts from Greece, Belgium and Italy were trained on the Engagement Mentoring for Romani procedure and were engaged in a brainstorming activity on the Mentror’s skills and competences. Access more information and stay...
We are very pleased to announce the release of the 2nd PAL Enroll Newsletter! Get to know what have we been up to during the 8-month implementation period! Access our results and expand your knowledge on Engagement Mentoring and Romani support! Follow us to stay tuned and learn all about our new activities and results!!!...
In the framework of Activity 03: Development of Training Modules for Engagement Mentoring, the partners organized an Inception Meeting to identify and examine existing good practices, initiatives, or projects about Romani mediation programmes as well as the mentoring experience result of Romani Ambassadors model. More than 15 experts and stakeholders from the 3 participating countries...
By the end of November, the PAL ENROLL partnership has completed the 2nd Activity of the project by developing the necessary templates for the implementation of the project and the final version of the Manual of Implementation. The Manual contains the overall methodology for the implementation of the activities and finally the elaboration of “Engagement...
PAL Enroll partners met in Brussels, Belgium on the 27th & 28th of September 2022. Partners from Greece and Italy joined the event organized by the lead partner “PAL NETWORK”. The partnership came together to discuss the overall implementation of the project, set the timeline of the activities and get familiar with the financial and...
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