
PAL Enroll News
We are more than proud to share with you our 3rd and last Newsletter of the PAL Enroll project. But we are not done here! Follow us to learn more about our activities for supporting the social inclusion of Romani Communities and other dissadvantaged groups! Learn how you can help with your knowlwdge, actions, and...
We are very excited to share with you the latest version of our “Training for Engagement Mentoring in Education” Handbook of the PAL Enroll project! The Handbook is available in four European languages: English, French, Greek, and Italian. Access the entire material in our webspace below!!! Handbook-ENGDownload
We are very pleased to announce the release of the 2nd PAL Enroll Newsletter! Get to know what have we been up to during the 8-month implementation period! Access our results and expand your knowledge on Engagement Mentoring and Romani support! Follow us to stay tuned and learn all about our new activities and results!!!...
We are very pleased to announce the release of the 1st PAL Enroll newsletter! We would like to inform you warmly about the initial activities of our consortium and the progress in our project. In the newsletter, we present the highlights of the first few months of the project implementation. Follow us to stay tuned...