The national network of educational institutions for pedagogical research and innovation in Europe, “Polo Europeo della Conoscenza” – Istituto Comprensivo di Bosco Chiesanuova [European Pole of Knowledge or Europole] is a public body, no-profit network of about 4000 educational institutions at the national level. Europole is active in every field of education at the formal and non-formal level: from early childhood education sectors to adult education and seniors’ active citizenship in a Lifelong Learning perspective.
The main fields of activity of the network are:
- Innovative educational strategies: robotics, STEAM teaching, prosocial values, mental and emotional health, etc.
- Promotion of prosocial values and nonviolent education
- Advocacy of children’s rights and bullying prevention
- Inclusion of children and people from marginalized contexts
- Inclusion of children and people with disability
- Active citizenship
- Early Childhood Education and Care
- Vocational training, capacity building, job inclusion
- Youth work and youth participation
- Active aging and social support to the caregivers
- Cultural heritage and art
- Ecological awareness, environmental protection and green competences